If you love Charlotte Mason's approach to reading lessons, but know your child needs more structured phonics, this series is for you. It introduces phonics skills in the context of nursery rhymes and short poems.
In this volume, your child will learn:
the consonant sounds (some letters have two or more sounds)
upper and lower case letters
phonemic awareness (differentiating sounds in each word)
how to identify rhyming words
These skills are introduced in a play-based way for your littlest learner. You'll know your child is ready for this volume when they:
show interest in letters and their sounds
begin to ask questions about what sounds letters make
pretend to read texts to you
know a few consonant sounds, but don't know all the letters or multiple sounds for letters c, g, s, qu, y, x, etc.
This volume builds the foundation for future reading skills. Designed to be hands on and enjoyable, you're sure to make sweet memories together while teaching your child to read.